Vertically-aligned CNT films cannot be directly grown on a polymer film or sheet, because any polymer has a melting point that is much lower than the CNT growth temperature. However, VACNT film grown on an inorganic substrate can be transferred to a polymer film by applying a thermal transfer method.
After the transfer process, the top end of each VACNT on the organic substrate is caught strongly by the polymer film due to a plastic strain, and the bottom end of each VACNT on the organic substrate is easily detached from the substrate. As a result, the vertically-aligned structure of the CNTs transferred on a polymer film is still maintained.
Thanks to the flexibility of a polymer, applications of VACNT to complicated objects or devices will be possible.
We provide vertically-aligned CNT transferred on polymer, resin, rubber sheets.
Sample with CNT transferred
to flexible paper
SEM image of CNT/Paper
Sample with CNT transferred to ethylene film
SEM image of CNT/ethene-film